Weekend Roundup / Open Thread


This image is the first result for “pain and suffering” on a Flickr search. LOL? Why did I search that?

Do you ever have a week that is probably good but you spend all your time fixating on a singular thing so you can’t focus on the world around you and all of a sudden you look up and it’s Friday and you have meetings and you just got paid (Friiiiday ni-ght) and it’s sort of nice outside and you’re like WHEN DID ALL THIS HAPPEN? Totally unrelated: Empire is a really good, chill show that won’t take over your life or anything.

Haley keeps going to the gym and it’s like, Haley. Can you stop.

As always, this week was a good week: we started off with my deepest shame, celebrated our names, wrote some Tinder bios, approved catcalls, interviewed Meredith Graves, read some freaky friend fiction, asked a queer chick, dreamt of yogurt ghosts, recast A League Of Their Own

, asked Baba Yaga, found our fetishes, thought about what makes us tick, and hacked Friday the 13th.

I FORGOT TO PRAISE THE LADIES LAST WEEK: Jenna Wortham bein’ fly, Laia Garcia on Milan Fashion Week, Beejoli Shah on Biore pore strips (I want to love them!!!!), and Monica Heisey has her book available for pre-order!!!!

Happy Friday the 13th!!!! Don’t die!!!