Refinery29 has an incredibly thought-provoking, educational, and inspiring new feature on trans…

Refinery29 has an incredibly thought-provoking, educational, and inspiring new feature on trans* and non-gender-conforming people. The entire thing is awesome (especially the FAQ!), but most touching are the essays by transgender millennials, each of them detailing their journeys to becoming who they really are. Here’s an excerpt from Sweet Teen Mel Gonzalez: “If anybody had told me that I am the one who controls my own future, high school would have been a lot easier. So, now, I’m telling people that: You are the person who defines you. You are not defined by name-calling or labels, or being put down by anyone else. Whatever obstacles you come across, you need to know that you’re in control, and you have the potential to get through it. We’re all so much stronger than we think we are.”

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