Kim Kardashian: Model, Actress, Mogul, Fashionista, Wife, Mother, Lover, Coder


Does the game always correlate to your real-life schedule?
We try to mirror it as much as possible. The look of the game was really important to me. I must have pulled thousands of references of all the different ways that characters should have their hair, the outfits and the shoes. One time there was a strap wrong on one of the character’s shoes — her feet weren’t matching. I had to change the programming to fix that. It was important to me that everything is right.

We are gathered here today in solidarity and in full, unencumbered awe of our Lord and Bae-vior Kimberly Noel Kardashian West (quoted here in Adweek), who is singlehandedly on her way to conquering the fashion world, the reality world, the tech world, and my heart. Ready? OK.

Here’s the deal (the deal being “what I am currently yelling to my boyfriend in the next room” BUT IS PLAYING THE GAME SO HE DESERVES TO HEAR THIS): we cannot discount Kim Kardashian as a one-trick sex-tape pony anymore. (I mean, we never should’ve, but that’s beyond the point.) It’s beyond lazy, it’s beyond offensive: it is simply untrue.

Kim serves as our sort of real-life Barbie in that she’s constantly dismissed for her supposed superficiality, but so rarely do we turn that analysis inward and ask ourselves why we’re being so superficial in our assessment of Kim Kardashian. She’s not presenting herself as just-another-pretty-face, so it is insufficient to read her as such. If Kim has turned the very thing that set out to destroy her — a private sex tape that was stolen from her and released without her knowledge — into the thing that cashes her checks, what lesson is to be gleaned from that besides I can control what once threatened me?

She has taken our idea of celebrity and turned the volume up to 11, and it makes no sense that we idolize women who have done the same thing — from Marilyn Monroe to Madonna — just because they did it in the past, with time for the rose-colored glasses to settle in. Kim’s #personalbrand of “look fly/get paid/hang with family” is probably the way to self-enlightenment. Her beauty routine likely holds the key to a rich, long life. Her forthcoming #selfie book — and laugh if you want, but name another aesthetic tool that remains unexamined by artistic scholars but transcends nearly every social, political, and economic boundary and allows people to define their own ideals of beauty by inserting themselves into it WHY HAS THIS BOOK TAKEN SO LONG — will soon be in my possession. Not unlike Barbie, who has an entire Wikipedia page dedicated to her careers, Kim is a proud multihyphenate; the Adweek article describes her as a “global trendsetter, designer, model, actress, celebrity endorser, magazine cover queen, tabloid leading lady, social media pioneer, famous wife (twice), famous mom (and sister and daughter) — and now, a superstar in the tech world.” Yet the easy approach to defining her — she’s just another stupid celebrity who gets paid to do nothing — remains, despite all proof of the alternative. Kim herself said it best: Can she live?

You are allowed to dislike Kim Kardashian, but not because she’s “dumb” or “whorish” or “lazy,” or because “she wears her sexuality on her sleeve,” or because “she’s a bad influence,” but because you don’t like her. You are allowed to have confines of what you believe a Good Human Worthy Of Your Attention and Admiration should be, but Kim is also allowed to not fit into them. She’s so much more than we give her credit for, but she’s still raking in all the cash.
