2 Poems about 2 People Written by 1 Person Who is Trying to be OK

by Sandy Honig

1. crying in central park feels quiet
and private
because everyone is looking at the sun
and the only thing paying attention to me is this squirrel
that keeps throwing nuts at me,
I can’t see him but I know
he’s there
and I know he’s just trying to get a rise out of me.
do squirrels fall in love?
maybe that’s why they’re always so anxious.
he’s right above me
pretending to be eating
but if he really was just trying to eat
he’s doing a bad job because I have all the nuts.
he’s going hungry to harass me.
I guess it’s worth it to him

2. (kind of miss/mind a kiss)
my room is sterile and smells like plastic,
sitting on the couch to avoid feeling like a patient,
avoid that crunch sound
that reminds me of paper
on a table at the doctor’s office
(what a mouthful!) a mouthful of plastic,
a mouth full of cold metal.
remember what cold metal felt like when you spread your legs
and the doctor made you cramp up inside,
staring at the ceiling,
teeth on cold chapped lips?
a man you still love but aren’t in love with,
cleaning cigars out of yellowing teeth you saw the future
and those teeth bit you
the smiling teeth of a rotting pumpkin.
jack o’lanterns never stop grinning even when they’re dead.

Sandy Honig is a photographer and comedian based in NY. She writes and photographs for Rookie Mag. Please, call her Sandrew!

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