

It’s a Wonderful What if I Have a Kid Someday And They Turn Out to Be A Serial Killer

Raiders of the Lost How Do We Know We Aren’t All Going to Hell When We Die

The Bridges of Madison I am Worried About Watching My Parents Grow Old and Feeling Helpless

The Silence of the Wait Whatever Happened to Mad Cow Disease

La Dolce I Have No Idea How to Start Saving for My Retirement Fund

The Good, The Bad, and The Oh Crap When Was My Last Period

Eternal Loneliness of the Spotless Seriously Though I Am Probably Going to Die Alone

The Grand Budapest Do Kids Today Even Know About Missy Elliot I Feel Like We Aren’t Doing Enough to Support Missy Elliot

The Lord of the Rings: The Two I Really, Really Can’t Tell if That Dress Blue and Black or Gold and White


*The word it was replacing was Tootsie.