Open Thread / Weekend Roundup


Oooooooo what a week. I would call it great, but in an effort towards transparency, I will admit that Kim Kardashian has not yet gotten in touch with Haley and I about reviewing 50 Shades of Grey. Though we are disappointed, we have not yet given up, and we will continue our valiant efforts to get the world’s greatest selfie taker to review Twilight fan-fiction for us while maintaining this hair accessory site. Being a blogger is literally the hardest job in the world

, but somebody’s got to do it.

This week, we: interviewed Angela Washko, caught up on Vogue, revisited some Missy Elliott classics, wrote an elegy to our superheroes, recast the shit out of Reservoir Dogs, started a new book club book, thanked Georgia O’Keeffe, tried to calm down, asked Baba Yaga, learned about human hair art, found an animal surprise, and wrote limericks for lost online dates.

In ladies we love: Jane Hu interviewed Tara Ariano and Sarah Bunting, Patricia Chica directed a segment for the Soska sisters, Katie J.M. Baker (along with Adam Serwer) demolished Paul Elam, and I wrote about white people jokes for the The New Republic.

What’s going on with you?! What are your plans for the weekend? Sit inside and watch TLC and eat cookie dough and knit a scarf because it’s too cold to do anything else? Same. See you Monday!

Image via Flickr.