Meanwhile, in Toronto


A photo posted by champagnepapi (@champagnepapi) on Feb 5, 2015 at 4:25am PST

Last night I went to see SPORTS. It was great!! I liked all of it!! “My” team, the Toronto Raptors, totally won!!! Except, in another more accurate sense, we totally lost. But we won in spirit, I think.

The important thing is that Drake and I were very briefly in the same place at the same time, not the first and surely not the last time this has happened/will happen. In fact, if you look at this photo from his Instagram account, you can totally see me! You just have to go up a little bit, and then a little to your left, and then keep going left for a really long time, and then up a little bit higher, and then keep going left until you’re so far left you’re directly across from where Drake was sitting, and then go even a teensy bit higher, and there I am. Drunk on a $15 beer. Paying very close attention to sports. How was your night?

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