Male Emotions™: Drake Edition

Perhaps I should write about Drake every Monday; doesn’t it just make you feel refreshed, recharged, ready to take on the world? No? Just me?

Emma Healey, resident genius, wrote a devastating piece of fiction disguised as a review of the new Big Sean song. Here we have all my favorite topics: Drake, Kanye, Male Emotions™. This part just killed me:

Drake’s like Are you sure you don’t want anything? and it suddenly occurs to you for the first time literally ever that even if someone asked you would not know at all how to begin gathering up the disparate pieces of your own sprawling loneliness and joining them together into anything like a story, like a thing you could say was your own.

Read the whole thing here, listen to the song a few hundred times with a renewed sense of appreciation for Drake’s particular brand of masculine sadness and Emma’s ability to cut right through your heart with nothing more than her words, whatever, it’s your Monday, do what you want. Have a good night!!!!

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