Ask Baba Yaga: Why Are My Lists Oppressing Me?

baba list

Transcript after the jump.

Dear Baba Yaga,

I have an unstructured life but lots to do. Everything goes on a list; I then see the list as an oppressor and I will avoid everything on it including things I enjoy. I have tried but failed not to make lists. Lately I find myself longing to be back on the mountainous lonely island where life was simple. We were on holiday. My beloved dog was still alive and it was just us and the landscape and the weather. I find myself in tears thinking about it. But my husband works in the city and we depend on his salary…


The little doings are birds who know not why they gather, & so scatter to find the stray seed. There is no bird mind they listen to. Why do you gather the birds? What mind-shape should they follow? There must be a living force & desire within any landscape & weather.

Previously: Should I Be Less Shy?

Taisia Kitaiskaia is a poet, writer, and Michener Center for Writers fellow. She’s taking questions on behalf of Baba Yaga at [email protected].