A Partial List of Known Aphrodisiacs & Anti-Aphrodisiacs
by Anna Cherry
- Baby books
- Home
- Winters, unshaven
- Fifty Shades of Grey
- Gluttony
- The term “godly woman”
- Co-ed office bathrooms
- Office bathrooms
- Content marketing
- B2B marketing webinars
- Obliterative edits
- Full-time job, no benefits
- The gate, closing
- No gym
- No benefits
- Sex dream about my brother
- The Weeknd in practice
- The Wolf of Wall Street, all 180 minutes
- Southern Baptist youth ministers
- This blog.
- Pre-war apartment cockroaches, clutter, and grime
- Dates
- The gate, closing
- Paris sex museum
- Old Xanga posts (probably)
- Infant niece
- Dude high on hash at our Halloween party who stroked my leg and said it was like a nice “jamón”
- Dick pics
- Death
- Direct deposits
- Procrastination
- Marijuana
- Alcohol
- Caffeine
- Olives with pits
- Flamenco
- YouTube
- FKA twigs
- Hostel bars
- Kissing a stranger to Bon Iver
- Being a stranger
- Harry Fear (never met)
- Grand Canyon (never been)
- Camping (been once)
- Basketball players
- Lifting weights
- Washington Heights bachata, blasted
- Blue is the Warmest Color trailers
- The Weeknd in theory
- Candles, lit casually
- Fresh produce
- Red Hot Chili Peppers
- College
- Leisure
- Rage on the sidewalk near my office
- Revelation after Paris sex museum
- Dirty Dancing, and the practice
- Ugly
- Sharp
- “You can get it in the supermarket, but the good stuff is from the charcuterie. If I show you this real saucisson from a charcuterie, you will have an orgasm.”
- Perfume
- Cookies
- Death
Anna Cherry is from Arkansas and writes in New York City. She is thankful for her job. (Really.) Tweet kindly to her at @unacereza.