Weekend Roundup / Open Thread


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In case you spent too much time re-watching the new Kanye video and forgot what happened this week (me), let’s review: we mourned My So-Called Life, decided the hottest fashion looks for the year,bought some fourth-wave coffee, got serious with a man, were the only black person at a punk show, tried to raise a puppy, got bedbugs, watched The Pillow Club movie and Girlhood, formed female bonds, rewrote Mean Girls with emojis, and looked inside Kalpna Patel’s bag.

What are you up to this weekend? Here’s what you should read: Emily Keeler (feat. Anna Fitzpatrick) on Raziel Reid, our Rookie homies on the right way to critique offensive behavior, the L Magazine on Meredith Graves, and, no big deal, but JULIANNE ESCOBEDO SHEPARD INTERVIEWED TLC.

Did you know the Super Bowl was this weekend?! I did not. Either way, I hope you eat a lot.