Slow-Moving Cone Snail Kills Fish, Inspires Us All

My favorite line in this National Geographic piece

about how slow-moving cone snails kill fish by trapping them in a cloud of insulin, putting them in a sugar coma, and then consuming them, is this:

“It looks like the fish is completely narced,” says Christopher Meyer, a cone snail specialist at the Smithsonian’s National Museum of Natural History, who wasn’t involved in the study.

(If you click the word “narced” in the piece, it links you to the definition)

I like to think that Christopher Meyer has been biding his time since the seventies for the moment when slow-moving cone snails made the news so that he could give his prepared quote to the media using what was then the coolest slang, and now that moment has arrived. I predict 2015 will be the year that the word “narc” and slow-moving cone snails will be cool.

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