Here For The Right Reasons


Chris Harrison is one of the smoothest motherfuckers I’ve ever met. On-screen he is able to do something that I believe men are generally not wired for: He can sit there and listen to a woman, allow her to emote and cry, and never interrupt, never try to shut her down or clean her up. Sure, it’s good television to let the tears flow, but still, it’s rare to find a man who can allow himself to allow it. When it’s time to ask a contestant to leave, his face is the face you want: lips mashed mournfully together, eyebrows up, big sigh.

Even off-camera, he speaks in crisp sentences. He doesn’t stumble. He doesn’t stammer. You should see my interview transcript; it came back from the transcriber as if it had already been edited.

Yes, I am most assuredly here for this GQ profile of Chris Harrison, the host of The Bachelor and The Bachelorette, and you better believe it’s for the right reasons.

Some key pieces of information: a fire marshal has to be on set when they tape the rose ceremonies because of all those lit candles, Chris Harrison has a lot of chest hair, Chris Harrison might be the smartest person working in television today. You should just read the whole thing. And then maybe we can watch a few reruns of Andi’s season real quick.