Happy New Year, Everything is the Same


Welcome back, you guys! The break is over, and we’re back here in your beautiful faces, each and every week day. How was your break? I started Scandal and got a Clarisonic, so those will pretty much be the only two things I talk about in 2015. Haley went to Miami and set me a lot of sunglasses emojis. I hate her too.

Before we begin, here are two editorial notes: in December, we relaunched the Women of Our Year series to run during the holidays, but we got so many submissions that we decided to make it a regular column. If you want to submit, you know the drill. And in even better news: we’re increasing the number of our daily posts, so you’ll have a lot more to read during the day. Come by and stay away; there’s plenty of [whatever snack you like. Nutter Butters? Everyone likes those] in the pantry.

COOL! Haley and I have a few more tricks up our sleeves for 2015, but, as always, we want to hear yours, too. Never hesitate to holla. Let’s do this.