Weekend Roundup / Open Thread

Thank you, The Simpsons (which I’ve only seen two episodes of and that was only like, a month ago, when Mallory Ortberg MADE ME but I liked it so don’t yell at me!!!), for explaining so excellently how I, and I’m sure so many other people, feel this week. Please take care of yourselves, this weekend but also always, and I hope you find that The Hairpin is a place where you can just take your mind off of It All, even if just for a moment.

This week was cool: we came back from American Thanksgiving with some music, and the Cool Hip Writer Who Has Definitely Had Sex stopped by. We got the December issue of Vogue, deleted our Twitters, looked at some art, sent some open letters, carried your dick pic with us (carried it in our hearts), considered new headgear, worked with some jokey proteins, waited for our friend, found our joy in some acceptance speeches, and made ourselves proud. We also started the Women of Our Year series: Meghan Daum, Ana Lily Amirpour, and Tilda Swinton, obviously. It’s been a good start.

I hope you have been ok this week! Haley has been busy being a goddamned famous person. She’s coming to New York next week; do you remember that part in Bossypants when Tina Fey talks about how Amy Poehler is finally coming to SNL and she just wants to run around screaming, “My friend is here!!! My friend is here!!!!” That’s what it’s like when Haley is in town.

I forgot to put what I was proud of myself for doing in OBQ, so here goes: I went to the dentist this year, all by myself. TWICE. Fuck yes. I’m also proud of Rahawa Haile, who wrote about Eric Garner in Vol. 1, and Anne T. Donahue, Durga Chew-Bose, and Sara Black McCulloch, who discussed teen movies in Cleo Journal. What are you proud of? I hope it’s you. See you Monday.