Lawyer’s Husband Shamelessly Panders To In-Laws


Have you ever seen that episode of 30 Rock where Alec Baldwin is dating Selma Hayek, and her grandmother is obsessed with this Spanish soap opera, and the villain is played by someone who looks exactly like Alec Baldwin and so the grandmother hates Alec Baldwin, and then Alec Baldwin conspires with the actor to make the character nicer so that the grandmother will love them both? All of this stuff with George Clooney on Downton Abbey reminds me of that for absolutely no logical, factual reason rooted in anything even close to reality; it’s just funny to think of him being like, “Hmm, you know what will win me some respect around the family Christmas tree this year? A guest-starring role on a popular British soap opera.”

I don’t know what I’m talking about either!!!!!!