A Programming Note


Hey gang! We’re about to close up shop for the rest of the year, in accordance with the “holidays” but also with the fact that there is a lot of MasterChef Junior to catch up on, but don’t worry: we’ll be posting entries from the Women of Our Year series, both old and new, throughout the break. (So, yes: you will have something to read when you inevitably lock yourself in the bathroom for ten minutes, just to get some goddamned peace and quiet, Mom, I just want to be able to POOP IN PEACE, we can talk about what’s wrong with my hair later, during this lovely holiday season.) We’ll be back for real for real on January 5th, refreshed and probably disappointed by the MasterChef Junior outcome. Consider this post your place to come and blab if you need to let off some holiday steam.

Here’s what our little week looked like: we wrote some poetry, mastered Microsoft Word, thought about our cool Jeopardy stories, theorized about Drake and Nicki, learned that Festivus is just something from Seinfeld, and interviewed Parinda Wanitwat and Sarah Waters. Go back and catch up, if you must!

From the bottom of our weirdo blogger hearts: thanks for hanging. We’ve got a lot of good stuff coming at you in 2015, and we hope you are as excited as you are. Catch you on the flip side.