Women Real Tired of Your Shit in Art

by Lili Loofbourow

Barthel Beham--Portrait of a Woman--1529
Dosso Dossi-Lucrezia Borgia Duchess of Ferrara
The Venerable Mother Jeronima de la Fuente by Diego Velazquez PARTIAL
Ejnar Nielsen--Portrait of an elderly woman in mourning
Eugene Delacroix--Portrait of a Woman in a Blue Turban
Giacomo Ceruti--Young Peasant Woman Holding a Wine Flask
Moses B Russell--Portrait of a Woman
Mummy Portrait of a Young Woman--1st century AD
Pere Crusells--Portrait of a Woman with Attributes of Diana
Portrait of a Woman at keyboard
Ramon Cano Manilla--Indian Woman from Oaxaca
Theodore Chasseriau--Woman and Little Girl of Constantine with a Gazelle
Wilhelm Bendz--Portrait of an elderly woman