Weekend Roundup / Open Thread


Hell yeah fucking right today’s weekend roundup post is a photo of Gushers. We’ve been talking a lot about self-care around these parts lately; I have a few things I do when I need to recharge, but lately it’s been shutting everything down for 30 minutes, cueing up an episode of a funny show — -The Mindy Project or Futurama, usually — -and devouring a pack of those goddamned delicious explosive snack treats we call Gushers. I highly recommend.

This week, we: were tired of your shit (in art!), peed on ourselves, threw a dinner party, celebrated Danny DeVito, found that Richard really was a Dick, saw Foxcatcher

, could not unhear, asked our partner 39 questions, reviewed store catalogs, “stuck a very small pin in his posterior hole”, remembered our summer, had Cars mansplained to us, felt our feelings, and generally had a bang-up time.

This week, the Hairpin was called a cult women’s website. Expect your badges and initiation forms soon.

Found under Ladies, Killing It: Marie Lodi wrote about online friendships for Rookie, Jaya Saxena and Some Man are interviewed in the paper of record about #dads, Arabella Sicardi is just plain famous, and Ellen Cushing wrote this crazy-insightful piece on Uber for San Francisco magazine. AWWWWRIIIGHT.

I hope you have a warm, restful weekend, and I can’t wait to see you back here Monday. I am going to eat more Gushers now.