
Do you want to have children, and if so, when? How many?

How important is religion to you? Could you survive in household where there are two different, perhaps disparate views on religion?

Are you gonna eat that?

How close will we be to your parents?

OK, well, can I at least have half?

Do you like my friends? Do you expect me to hang out with your friends often?

How will we divide up money? How will we tackle debt? How will we decide what to save?

How important is equality in a marriage?

I just don’t understand why you won’t give me half — -like, I know it’s a good sandwich, but can I at least have a BITE?!

If we ever hit a rough patch, would you be willing to partake in couples’ therapy?

Oh my god, this has a tomato on it. Why would you let me eat this?!

What will our morning routine be? Our evening routine?

How will we divide household chores?

You’re really being super rude right now. Do you need to take a nap?

Are we able to openly talk about our sexual needs and preferences?

Do you see us traveling often?

Where will we spend the holidays?

What the hell is bugging you?

What do you mean, you’ve been reading my text messages? Those are private! I gave you my passcode six months ago and you held onto it this entire time??

Where do you want to settle down? Where do you want to retire?

How much affection do you require in a given day?

Why don’t you trust me?!

Do you like animals? Do you want a pet?

Will we donate to charity?

Do you think it’s ok for me to read your text messages behind my back?

Public or private school?

Will we celebrate cultural holidays?

Do you have a plan to care for your parents?

No, I don’t really think you are a “uptight insecure sandwich hog.” Don’t you say things to blow off steam, too?!

Have we been honest with each other about our health histories? Is there anything we should prepare for?

If we were able to live off of one salary, do you think one of us should stay home and raise our family?

When have I ever not shared my sandwich with you?

When have I ever liked tomatoes?!

Would you ever serve in the military?

Are you afraid of getting older?

Do you think that maybe we’re not right for each other after all?

Have you ever committed a crime?

What is your political stance?

Do you want to just eat the tomato-y part and I’ll eat the rest?