Weekend Round Up / Open Thread


Hehehehehhehehehehehehehehehehhehehehehehehehehehehheehheheheheheheheheheheheheheheh (Haley should’ve never let me follow her on Instagram) (Happy #flashbackfriday, y’all)

It’s Friday afternoon, so this is where we leave you: at the end of our third week. Our first was the worst, our second was the best, here is our week with the hairy chest: we destroyed men, sexted a bot, wrote some fan-fiction, reconciled our thoughts on motherhood, went to TIFF, re-watched She’s All That, wrote a letter to our aunties, conned some Canadians, despised the wigs of The Brittany Murphy Story, interrogated the Internet, investigated our iPhones, almost died in the Italian woods, and, of course, ate some snacks.

Let’s celebrate the Ladies We Love: Chiara Atik wrote about the coolness of flip phones, Katie J.M. Baker investigated Charity Johnson and the deceit of her youth, and Pizza Queens Hazel Cillis and Gabby Noone were featured in the New York Times for their #snackwave authority. Two Random Women got new jobs, and we couldn’t be happier. They are all MacArthur geniuses in our heart, second only to Alison Bechdel, a MacArthur genius in real life. Dang!

In Hairpin-land, Haley and I bought matching computers; she got a tattoo and I took out my braids (the hair was fake, as I’m sure you all know, but the neck problems were very real) and cut my hair to what some call Emma Watson short but I just called Monday. Ch-ch-changes. What did you change this week? If you didn’t change anything, what David Bowie songs have you been listening to? I know I always tell you to send comments, dog pictures, and pie recipes — which many of you have, causing me to grow literal tears in my eyes in the middle of the Apple Store because I love dogs and pie THAT much — but consider the roundup your open thread, too! Come! Sit! Show me puppy pics! We’ll see you back here on Monday.