“Ocean is our ideal customer.

“Ocean is our ideal customer. She does yoga every day, makes $100,000 a year, and dates a triathlete named Mountain.”

“Do you think Ocean would wear this?” she asked one day, modeling a purple hoodie and a pair of purple-and-white stretch pants in the break room. “Who’s Ocean?” I asked, and she sighed. “Who trained you? Ocean is our ideal customer. She does yoga every day, makes $100,000 a year, and dates a triathlete named Mountain.” I stared at her, nonplussed. Pityingly, she added: “Mary, we allwant to be Ocean. That’s why we work here.”

-Mary Mann, who wrote this beautiful piece for us last summer, tells all at Salon about her stint at Lululemon during the year of an employee-on-employee murder.

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