Help Us End Dating Abuse and Domestic Violence

by The Hairpin Sponsors


One out of four women in the US will be assaulted or abused by a partner. Sixty percent of those domestic abuse cases are never reported. In 2010, 39 percent of U.S. female homicide victims were killed by an intimate partner. None of this is acceptable.

Dating abuse and domestic violence are issues that are largely undiscussed and heavily stigmatized. As a result, victims often feel ashamed or are fearful of speaking out, and would be advocates don’t know how to step in and help those in need. In both examples, the challenges of dating and domestic violence in the US, silence and stigmas, are only further perpetuated.

We can’t let domestic violence victims fall through the cracks. Help us generate support and community around this critical issue.

For every message featuring the #VoicesHavePower hashtag, VZW will donate $3 to help end dating abuse and domestic violence.