A Very Garfunkel and Oates Hello

Hello Hairpinners! So, I realize it’s Monday morning and it’s like, who are you? Why are we? What is world? Where is coffee? So I wanted to take four seconds to introduce myself before immediately segue-ing into a video that made me happy-cry, because that is the emotion I like to start a week off with. I’m Meredith, and I’ll be guest-blogging with the wonderful Michelle this week. I once wrote this thing about the afterlife for you lovely people and, more secretly, this thing about my vagina (sorry, Mom!). I like fireworks, pie, Matt Damon’s shockingly thick neck in Elysium, and bars that allow dogs. You can say hi on Twitter if you want but also, you know, no pressure. I am just here for y’all.

Most importantly, I spent pretty much all of this past weekend tearing up and then sighing happily because I was watching and rewatching this Garfunkel and Oates video in which fake, gay puppets get married. That’s what I am like! Let’s have a fun week!

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