Send Your Message of Hope #VoicesHavePower

by The Hairpin Sponsors


Wireless phones and technology serve as a vital link for all of us. They’re also an especially safe and reliable way for domestic violence victims and survivors to reach emergency or support services in times of crisis and stay connected with employers, family and friends.

Verizon’s Hopeline program connects survivors of domestic violence to vital resources and funds organizations nationwide.

Verizon is calling on you to share a message of hope. For every tweet, fb post or instagram using the hashtag #voiceshavepower VZW will donate $3 to organizations seeking to end domestic violence and dating abuse.

Verizon is committed to helping the nearly one in four women, one in seven men and more than 3 million children in the United States affected by domestic violence. We’re doing our part to end this epidemic by collecting no-longer-used wireless phones and accessories and turning them into support for domestic violence organizations nationwide. Through HopeLine, we’ve donated hundreds of thousands of phones and awarded millions of dollars in cash grants to our partner agencies.

Check out Hopeline today.