Weekend Roundup


How did I find this group picture of us from the future?? I’ll tell you one day, I swear. If you need some reading material for your relaxation hours this weekend, we’ve got some good stuff to catch up on: people trying to write in art, 162 new emoji ideas (smiley face with eggplant eyes!), New York Times real estate section Mad Libs, a case for the Flowbee, and 15 other things you might say to a dress. We talked about the bodies of female athletes and the fractured identities of The Americans and the cost of death in America. We studied the female trainwreck and tried to solve our first, saddest mystery, and we talked to Baba Yaga about insecurity in friendship, Jennifer Weiner about fictional boundaries, and Julie Klausner about being a Difficult woman.

I am bidding you farewell for a week (wish me luck, finishing my novel?!) but the good ship Hairpin never stops cruising. See you back here on Monday, dearest beach cranks.

Photo via Chris Warren/Flickr