The Free, Beautiful $4/Day SNAP Cookbook


Leanne Brown is a food studies student at NYU who’s written a cookbook designed for people on the $4 per day SNAP budget, with great-looking meals that can be made from non-fancy and easily available ingredients. She’s posted it online for free reading and download, if you’d like to take a look; she’s also running a Kickstarter to produce print copies for donation and cheap sale, and she’s now surpassed her goal three times over on the schema of “buy one book for $25 and I’ll donate a free copy to someone who needs it.”

If you know a nonprofit organization that would benefit from receiving these books, they can apply here. I have read through the whole thing in the interest of *~*responsible blogging*~* and also me never not having to look at food pictures, and let me say, the “Things on Toast” section is really my kind of animal. [Good and Cheap]