Reasons for Dropped Rape Case Include “Wearing Spanx”

Is there a woman alive who feels anything other than dead inside when she hears the phrase “rape case”? Is your college on that list of 55 schools under Title IX investigation for the way they mishandle sexual assault reporting? Isn’t it ironic that that rapist was sentenced to community service in a rape crisis center? Can you imagine being the girl he raped, hearing that? Isn’t it funny that Jameis Winston is going to have more on his record for shoplifting $32 worth of crab legs than for raping someone in 2012? Isn’t it great news that that teacher in Montana who raped a 14-year-old who killed herself (whose lawyer said “the girl looked older than her years and was ‘probably as much in control of the situation as was the defendant’”) just got his 31-day sentence rescinded because he deserves to be actually punished, like, in jail for “at least two years”?

Can you imagine getting this letter from a government lawyer explaining why he was dropping your rape case?

“I have taken into account all the surrounding circumstances, including the exchange of text messages between you before and after the incident… I have also considered your account of the incident, particularly bearing in mind the type of underwear that you had on at the time.”

She was wearing Spanx. God damn, isn’t that already injustice enough? [The Independent]