Courtney Love: “You have to really get my attention if you’re male.

Courtney Love: “You have to really get my attention if you’re male. I can’t help it. It’s part of my nature”

Every other line in this Pitchfork interview with Courtney Love is incredible (some samples: “I have to tell you, I’ve never worn a flower crown, except once, in 1985, before you were born, right before Andy Warhol died”; the “low point of her career,” opening for 30 Seconds to Mars: “And I’m like, ‘You’re Jordan Catalano… I’m sorry. I can’t stick around to see you play’”; also, “I once dated a billionaire, mostly because it was fun to say, ‘I’m dating a billionaire,’ but we did not have the same taste in music, and it was doomed”). But this exchange is particularly good:

CL: I don’t read Pitchfork every day. I read Jezebel a lot. I’ve tried to tweet you guys and kiss your ass, but the dude in Portland just doesn’t like me. So I’m like, “OK, fine.”

Pitchfork: Portland?

CL: Isn’t it based in Portland?

Pitchfork: No, we’re in Brooklyn and Chicago.

CL: Oh! I see, I see. I mixed it up with “Portlandia”.

Here’s why she can’t be bothered to keep this all straight:

CL: I should be able to have a fluid conversation about new music, but I forgot most of the stuff on that playlist. Because there weren’t a lot of chicks! If I see a chick playing guitar, I’m drawn to that band immediately. I want to know everything, even if it’s completely electronic. But you have to really get my attention if you’re male. I can’t help it. It’s part of my nature.

Love repeatedly cites the importance of “finding your scream,” which she’s doing pretty well on her new single “You Know My Name,” whose video was released today.