“This is what my body looks like now.”

“He does not know when he will resume his career. She may never be able to return to critical-care nursing, with so much walking and lifting in a 12-hour shift. But they wear their injuries with a quiet, deliberate dignity, not hiding them. ‘This is what my body looks like now,” she said. ‘This is what it looks like when two amputees are married.’ And when they reach that ‘other side’ Jess describes, they see themselves working together, treating and advocating for trauma amputees.”

— Patrick Downes and Jessica Kensky, newlyweds who each lost a leg in last year’s bombings at the Boston Marathon, completed the handcycle race today in 2:14:13. They crossed the finish line holding hands. The two were profiled in the Boston Globe on Sunday. Three cheers for them; three cheers for Meb. [Boston Globe]

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