Ask Baba Yaga: How Can I Quit Worrying About Finding Someone and Just Let It Happen?

Dear Baba Yaga,

I find myself happy in most areas of my life (professionally, intellectually, socially). However, as I’ve tiptoed into my thirties, I’ve become increasingly anxious about finding a mate. It’s distracting me from my otherwise quite pleasant existence. How can I quit worrying about it, and let it happen when it happens?


a foul wind follows the craving of minds after the seeking.( It is made such that you’ll always be wanting this, if indeed it is something you want. ;Why are you asking for the pain to be taken wholesome from yr life, if most is well & only one lacking? There’s always something) making clicks & clacks behind us, pushing us forward with a somewhat fear. No one’s road is silent.

Previously: “I’m Hiding in Whiskey, Where Has My Spine Gone?”

Taisia Kitaiskaia is a poet, writer, and Michener Center for Writers fellow. She’s taking questions on behalf of Baba Yaga at [email protected].