Why We Are Tired This Morning

Tom Wilkinson Yes Please

Did you know that Benjamin Franklin came up with the concept of Daylight Savings Time when he was semi-kidding? According to David Prerau, aka the world’s foremost authority on Daylight Savings Time in National Geographic:

While serving as U.S. ambassador to France in Paris, Franklin wrote of being awakened at 6 a.m. and realizing, to his surprise, that the sun rose far earlier than he usually did. Imagine the resources that might be saved if he and others rose before noon and burned less midnight oil, Franklin, tongue half in cheek, wrote to a newspaper.

“Franklin seriously realized it would be beneficial to make better use of daylight, but he didn’t really know how to implement it,” Prerau said.

Do we know what this means?! Benjamin Franklin’s normal day was sleeping in till noon, hanging out, drinking some mead, then staying up way too late inventing bifocals or electricity! I’m not saying this makes me love him more, but I’m just saying that if somehow there was a hole in the space-time continuum modern-day Ben Franklin would definitely be an app inventor who would probably be fun to hang out with, except for the fact that he’d be constantly overtweeting aphorisms like, “A penny saved is a penny earned. #SXSW #LifeHack #ProTip” [Image via.]