Neneh Cherry Feat. Robyn, “Out Of The Black”

I still don’t understand how Neneh Cherry, the Swedish singer-songwriter, can possibly be 50 years old, but those are the facts. This Robyn duet, off her fourth solo album (and first in 18 years), Blank Project, is your new anthem for walking briskly down a crowded street with your girl gang. Cherry talked to Pitchfork earlier this year about recording with Robyn (“When I look at her I recognize a lot of myself when I was that age”) and about the current crop of female rappers (required viewing):

God, I have mixed feelings, but I’ve always had mixed feelings. I don’t know if it’s any better or worse. I do think there’s a really boring side of what’s going on now — the over-repetitive, oversexualized thing. There’s a lot of women that know better, that are really beautiful and sexy, but it’s like: We know you can shake your ass in a G-string and wave it around, it’s not that risque. It’s not dangerous. It’s very obvious and boring. In my eyes, it’s just played-out; 25 years ago, when Raw Like Sushi came out, there was another version of that. But I love M.I.A. and a lot of other women out there now. I’ve always looked to other women for inspiration and kicks. When a woman stands up and does her thing, it never ceases to excite and inspire me.

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