Friday Open Thread

Fri! Fri. You made it; we made it; it’s almost time to have a drink. Before we go, here is where we’ve been this week:

• In the bedroom, to have sober sex for the first time.

• To the Madewell Museum of Human Curiosities with our tour guide Jornts, and across the street, where we made some revisions.

• To space (?) and back with our resident astrologer Galactic Rabbit.

• To the hair salon with… Dr. Oz?

• To relationship therapy, and then Baba Yaga therapy, and finally hot dog therapy.

• To the kitchen, with mixed results.

• To New York City, where we embarked on a word search, and to grandma’s room, where we served as health proxy.

• To school. Homeschool.

Carcosa. C A R C O S A.

Thanks for joining us. Jia and I will be away from the Internet next week, but we’ll have some surprise guests around these parts to keep you company. They’re bringing the confetti.

Photo via tekniskamuseet/flickr.