Friday Open Thread

And we’re off! Where to?

• America’s heartland, where we may either find ourselves feeling superior or else come across a nice dependable stool

• The Times Weddings/Celebrations section (Yay Tara and Rhett!!!!), even though we’re just going to leave our lovers anyway

Ireland with the Pirate Queen; Ye Olde Gruel Shoppe with our Jungian childhoods; Villa Tunari with a mysterious man on a motorcycle

• The kitchen for black bean brownies and Wuthering Tarts, the door to show our guests out, the couch to sit down and watch Doll & Em

• The Sailor Moon/Myers Briggs Personality Testing Center and our own private Single Moms Club

• Finally, of course, we’re off to BuzzFeed.

IT’S SPRING NOW. How are you doing? Grass peeking out from underneath the snow? Anyone got any good book recommendations? I just finished B.J. Novak’s short story collection and actually loved it; I also recently quite enjoyed Herman Koch’s The Dinner and am thinking of going to the bookstore tomorrow and buying every Meg Wolitzer book I haven’t read, but would also welcome any suggestions for something new.

Photo via Mike Babiarz/Flickr