Chicken From Hell!!!!! Now Known as “Anzu Wyliei”

The Chicken From Hell, the “birdlike dinosaur” that was some 7 feet tall that weighed around 500 pounds, now has a scientific name:

The creature was formally introduced to the scientific community Wednesday as scientists published a description and analysis of its anatomy, and finally bestowed a name: Anzu wyliei. The moniker comes from a mythological feathered demon plus the name of a Carnegie museum trustee’s grandson.


The dinosaur lived some 66 million to 68 million years ago in a hot and humid landscape, rather like the Louisiana bayou, he said. It ate plants and maybe small animals when it wasn’t fleeing from a hungry and much bigger T. rex, he said.

Had science asked, I would’ve voted for chickenfromhellasaurus, personally. Call me next time, science. [AP, Newsweek]