Who Is “You”? (Mad)

One Daily Double, in which he wagered just $5, was particularly strange. Arthur’s searching landed him a Daily Double in a sports category, a topic he knew nothing about. (Ever the joker, he tweeted he’d rather have sex with his wife than learn about sports). Most contestants will avoid their topics of weakness, but not Arthur. Instead, he wagered just $5 on the sports question, effectively making its specifics irrelevant. Trebek and the audience giggled, and when the question came, Arthur immediately blurted out “I don’t know.” But that wasn’t a waste of a Daily Double, as he kept that question out of the hands of the other contestants. Winning in Jeopardy just means beating the other two, and this strategy made that possible.

The Wire introduces us to Arthur Chu, the Jeopardy contestant who’s pissed off a lot of devotees by using game theory strategy to advance in three consecutive episodes. Hope he writes “YOU MAD?” on his Final Jeopardy wager soon. Mallory, what say you? [The Wire, Mental Floss]

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