The Very Rare Productive Conversation on Fashion’s “Urban” Turn

At Bullett, here’s “Ghetto Fabulous,” where 13 people who know talk about fashion and race and appropriation in a refreshingly clear, not-too-careful, personal way. Some samples:

“I think we need to just watch culture play out, say something when we feel something needs to be said, and call into question what we feel needs to be questioned. Self-righteousness is the cancer to creativity.” Mykki Blanco,

“I read an interview with Miley Cyrus where she said she can put on a white crop top, white leggings, and white Nikes, and nobody is on her level. I’m like, girl, you know that’s what girls wear every day because they can’t afford anything else?” –Prince Franco

“Personally, I feel uncomfortable with what it is that is considered “blackness” in America.” -Jeremy Lewis, Garmento Magazine

“Rarely do the original communities benefit from an acceptance of “ethnic” styles in the mainstream. White America has always wanted our look, not us. […] I love the hijab, but the last time I wore it a man in a pickup truck followed me screaming slurs. Meanwhile Rihanna poses in one, Madonna models under a niqab, Lady Gaga sings about burqas.” –Ayesha Siddiqi

“We people of color have all the flavor — always have. […] Black don’t crack, we got whipped enough to know that. Look at us, we are who the world wants to be.” –Junglepussy
