A Moment of Zen From Kristen Stewart

As long as I feel solid about my creative choices, people can have whatever image or perception of me that they’d like. You can’t think that someone’s impression of you is wrong — it’s their impression — and, therefore, you really can’t worry about it. So many people have developed their impressions based on fucking bullshit, and you’ll never do anything true to yourself, you’ll never make the art you want to make, if you’re concerned about that. At the same time, I’m a 23 year-old. I like clothes, but that’s not because I’m like, ‘Oh my god! I need to stay relevant!’ [Laughs]”

Kristen Stewart on In The Gloss today: Very real. The “[laughs]” moments in her as-told-to: Very high art. [Into The Gloss]

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