“It smells just like the color purple”: Taylor Swift Fragrance Reviews


I bought Wonderstruck for my daughter on her senior prom day(April 24, 2012). That day was amazing for us.I styled her hair and she did her own makeup. Then, she put on her dress, and WOW! I was completely breathless. I couldnt believe how much time has flown. I can still remember her skipping down the hallway of her school, to her kindergartnen classroom, and turning around to waive good bye to me.. Now, she’s entering the limosine, wearing high heals accompanied by her date. Life, is so beautiful. Im so happy that I have appreciated every moment!”

-Hairpin pals Caity Weaver and S. Jack Dickey have created the tumblr “Taylor Swift Fragrance Reviews,” which is a tumblr that republishes online reviews of Taylor Swift’s three fragrances. The entries are sometimes oddly revealing (see above) and sometimes oddly poetic, and sometimes just really odd. [Taylor Swift Fragrance Reviews]