Friday Open Thread

It’s Friday! We did it! Thank you for joining us in Hairpin Corner, where we’ve been busy:

• Talking to Allie Brosh of Hyperbole and a Half and to Sarah Bessey, “Jesus Feminist.”

• Seeking advice from a three-year-old (Are you a monster?) as well as from our newly returned Baba Yaga (This rabbit can’t; be killed, it lives in yr tunnels always).

• Taking life lessons from the classically scandalous Pola Negri, who “prostrated herself at the foot of [Rudolph Valentino’s] grave and arranged for a fake note from the doctor to declare that his last thoughts had been of her.”

Battling Norman and rocking Rob Ford.

Going deep on Lily Allen’s latest video and this “banner year for white women treating black women as props.”

• Getting a second, heartening Herpes Surprise; maybe having orgasms and maybe not having orgasms but almost definitely rereading Piers Plowman; taking a quick trip to the Red Light District; peeing on a stick with Carrie Matheson.

• Coming into our own as Hunger Games super-tributes and “female-female spiritual transsexuals.”

May all of our weekends be free of fighting and full of cache monet. See you guys on Monday.