Which of the “Three Personality Regions” in America Fits You Best?

TIME’s got a 10-question quiz up that will match your self-identified personality to one of the continental states, which a research team (led by an American expat) at the University of Cambridge has split into three distinct “personality regions”: relaxed/creative, temperamental/uninhibited and friendly/conventional. Utah is apparently the least neurotic and most agreeable state, DC the least agreeable but the most tolerant.

Hmm. What did you get, and do you agree? I don’t know if I am quite friendly and conventional enough for Georgia; maybe I need to be more honest on these things (“Strongly agree,” I whisper to myself, clicking “7” on the spectrum for “calm and emotionally stable”).

But maybe that’s just because I’m disappointed in Georgia’s showing on this PolicyMic map that shows one “awesome” thing about every state (Montana’s political empowerment for Native Americans and Ohio’s high library usage seem way cooler than Georgia’s “busiest airport hub,” but maybe that’s just because I once got stuck in the Atlanta airport overnight on my 17th birthday, and even though I was in college the airline employees made me sleep in the terminal, in a subterranean child-size bunk bed; IHTM: BIWABD*).

More interesting map stuff: a world map showing what each country is the leader in (Canada’s got “Maple Syrup and Asteroid Impacts”), a map of China showing the super-dense distribution of the country’s most common last names.

*It Happened To Me: But It Wasn’t A Big Deal

[TIME, PolicyMic]