Today’s Forecast for Jupiter and Saturn: A Furious Rain of Molten Diamonds

Scientists have long postulated that diamond rain — or even liquid diamond seas — may be present on Neptune and Uranus. But, they were hesitant to say the same for Jupiter and Saturn, since, comparatively, the gas planets have a smaller proportion of methane and lower temperatures.

Go on, HuffPo:

[But], as the researchers explain in a study, high pressure within the massive planets’ atmospheres could potentially turn carbon into diamond. Carbon soot particles, freed from methane particles in the two planets’ upper atmosphere, would fall through heavy layers of hydrogen and helium toward the cores. On the way down, this carbon soot would be greatly condensed by high pressure and temperatures, thus leading to the formation of diamonds. By the time the diamonds neared the cores of each gas giant, they would likely have melted under such extreme heat and morphed into a liquid state: diamond rain.

[Joke about how the men of Earth need to go harvest the diamonds for their girlfriends, amirite] [Thinkpiece about stupid diamond market and barbaric anti-feminist nature of engagement rings] [Slideshow of 12 eco-friendly engagement ring alternatives for the unconventional bride-to-be].