Literary Halloween: Susan Sontag in a Bear Suit, Virginia Woolf in Blackface, Anais Nin Dressed as…

Literary Halloween: Susan Sontag in a Bear Suit, Virginia Woolf in Blackface, Anais Nin Dressed as Her “Madness”

“[Anais Nin] described her costume as follows: I wore a skin-colored leotard, leopard-fur earrings glued to my naked breasts, and a leopard-fur belt around my waist. Gil Henderson painted on my bare back a vivid jungle scene. I wore eyelashes two inches long. My hair was dusted with gold powder. My head was inside of a birdcage. From within the cage, through the open gate, I pulled out an endless roll of paper on which I had written lines from my books. The ticker tape of the unconscious. I unwound this and handed everyone a strip with a message.” Pictures, and more reminders that writers are totally fucking crazy, at Flavorwire.

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