“Alice Munro Updated Her Cover Photo”

The great Canadian short story writer Alice Munro, 82, is the 13th woman to win the Nobel Prize for Literature. The Swedish Academy was having trouble getting a hold of her this morning, but the Times

reports that her daughter woke her at four this morning with the news. “It just seems impossible. It seems just so splendid a thing to happen, I can’t describe it, it’s more than I can say,” she said to the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation soon after: “I would really hope this would make people see the short story as an important art, not just something you played around with until you got a novel.”

Munro’s 14th short story collection, Dear Life, came out last year. It’s expected to be her last. (“Put your money on it,” she said in an interview last year.) What are your favorite Munro stories?

Cross-stitch portrait by Hairpin pal Ruth Graham, who also points out this excellent update to Munro’s Facebook page.