A Majority of Americans All of a Sudden Like, “Hey, Weed’s Pretty Cool”

Via Slate, a new Gallup poll about marijuana, a potent street drug often referred to as “the devil’s harvest”:

For the first time, a clear majority of Americans (58%) say the drug should be legalized. This is in sharp contrast to the time Gallup first asked the question in 1969, when only 12% favored legalization.

Additionally, the viperous Weed Mania induced by regular marijuana usage may be having an effect on the general population much like the Truth Serums of wizardly yore:

A sizable percentage of Americans (38%) this year admitted to having tried the drug, which may be a contributing factor to greater acceptance.

Sure, guys, “38%,” wink wink, whatever you say. Anyway, 67% of people ages 18–29 favor pot legalization, and the number only drops to 62% for people ages 30–49. Slate thinks that this means marijuana is less controversial than tobacco because 76% of Americans are in favor of the FDA retaining its authority to regulate tobacco products; I think that’s a pretty empty comparison, but *turns on vaporizer* it’s all going to work out, everything’s cool, we’re just having a good time.