New Season of Downton Abbey to Include New “Risqué” Edith and a Cameo by Virginia Woolf

Via Vulture, some intriguing hints about the fourth season of Downton Abbey up at the Telegraph:

Lady Edith, who took the role of resentful middle sister until the death of Lady Sybil in childbirth in the last series, will be seen venturing into a “bohemian lifestyle” and experiencing the “thrill of rebellion.” New images, taken from the first episode of the show, see her embracing lover Michael Gregson, in the hopes he will divorce his wife and allow her to “hang out with artists and write” instead of living “under a pall” at Downton.

One scene, in which she attends a party with the Bloomsbury Set, will see an appearance from Virginia Woolf, the writer, played by actress Christina Carty and only the second “real” on-screen character in Downton’s history. The series will even show Lady Edith embracing “risqué” costumes, which actress Laura Carmichael described as “very revealing, even for now” with “some low cuts” and a “very big split up the leg.”

The emancipation of Lady Edith! And: Virginia Woolf! It sounds like the producers are putting a hold on dramatic deaths for the time being, which is also nice. Click through to the article for a peek at actress Christina Carty as the famous author.

[The Telegraph]

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