Two Photo Sets: Detroit’s Urban Gardeners and Meth-Laced Appalachia

At NPR, some beautiful photos of new efforts in the re-wilding city:

“I like to believe that we [are] holding this place together,” Sennefer says. “You know, we the people that are the visionaries, the dreamers, the people that’s holding on to the faith that things aren’t as bad as they seem.”

And at Mother Jones, a series of photos shot for Jonah Engle’s “Merchants of Meth” big pharma story. Photographer Stacy Kraniz talks about what it means to shoot a story like this respectfully:

In a region notoriously wary of outsiders — particularly those with cameras — [she] shoots as an insider, bringing viewers to swimming holes and wild parties, hanging out on sweltering summer nights, riding in the backseat of cars blasting down two-lane highways.

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