I Will Not Rest Until Todos Mis Followers Come Back To Me

Once in a while you see a story about a person who refuses to rest on his laurels. About a man of conviction, who thinks nothing of standing naked and alone in front of the world and shouting something like, “Here I am, naked and alone, without any Twitter followers. How do you like me now, bitches?” Burrito Martinez, star forward for the Argentine football club Boca Juniors, is such a man:

Here’s a nice little Twitter activation from Nike and BBDO Argentina. The marketer had Burrito “The Mule” Martinez, star forward for the Boca Juniors soccer team, wipe out all of his 92,000 Twitter followers and start over from zero with the goal of regaining all the followers he erased. “Today I erased my 92,112 followers with the idea of winning them back by playing every match as if it were my first,” he wrote in his first message back.

So a marketer had you erase all your Twitter followers. And then a marketer told you to say something and you said it. Wow. That like, really pulls at the heart strings. And when my heart strings get pulled, I just feel the impulse to check little blue boxes that say Follow next to the person who pulled them. Looks like I’m not the only one! Martinez is already back up to 32,000. Which is a lesson to children every where: you can always start from scratch. Just do it.