Genre Clash! Kissers, Killers and Chimeras

by The Hairpin Sponsors

What’s a burger without a side of fries? A gin and tonic without a wedge of lime? A racy romance novel without a serial killer lurking in the shadows?

If you, like us, enjoy a little suspense with your love story or a dash of romance in your futuristic fantasy epic, then we have the infographic for you, courtesy of our friends over at Open Road Media.

Whether you’re in the mood for a genre-specific pick or are ready to mix it up a bit, this Kissers, Killers, and Chimeras Venn diagram has everything you might need, with top picks in romance, mystery, and sci-fi/fantasy — and all sorts of entertaining combinations in between.

Best of all, you can grab each of these ebooks for just $1.99 from August 20 to August 26 — click below to explore them all. We have a sneaking suspicion you might not be able to stop at just one.